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Game Design & Memory Consolidation

featuring Deepwell DTx co-founder

Ryan Douglas

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Trauma recovery is a huge challenge in the mental health field.

One promising approach is called memory re-consolidation. 

This involves re-experiencing traumatic memories in a safe environment, using interventions like EMDR to resolve the trauma.  

Now, a new generation of therapeutic games are starting to incorporate these techniques & interventions into the gameplay.    

Ryan Douglas, co-founder of DeepWell DTx, believes that his team has “cracked the code” for creating a game mechanic that drives memory re-consolidation in an immersive VR environment. 

If he’s right, this opens the door to exciting new opportunities for trauma recovery & treatment. 

If you’re involved with digital therapeutics, this is a can’t-miss session.

Join us LIVE Thu 5/13 @ 9am PT / 12pm ET

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CEO, Game Thinking Corp

Hosted by Amy Jo Kim, Ph.D.

CEO, Game Thinking Corp

Named by Fortune as a top-10 gaming influencer, Amy Jo worked on breakthrough hits like The Sims, Rock Band, Ultima Online, eBay, Netflix, & Covet Fashion. She now helps innovative teams find product/market fit. 

Watch the replay of this VIP interview

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